As the children get older, I find that I am shifting in my normal responses....What once was 'We'll see' or 'I don't think so' has turned into, 'I don't know if I have all the supplies for that', or 'That's an interesting idea'!
She decided to make an experiment. Can a seed grow using only the water from a piece of fruit? What a concept. When she asked me this question, I had no idea, perhaps it could. She came up with her plan, asked for a piece of fruit, a small amount of soil and a few seeds to create this experiment, and away she went, planning and documenting.
I am guessing the fruit will mold before we see any life come from the planted flower seeds in the soil, but I just love her innovation....her inquisitive mind. I love to see that she wants to try new things, see what happens and learn something new.
She inspires me. Just when I think I know all the answers, she comes to me, asks a question that I have no idea how to answer, and then we work together to find solutions. I hope she always feels she can come to me and ask her multitude of questions...even if I rarely have a good answer for her. I hope and pray she keeps that sense of curiosity about science, about the outcome of experiments. It never interested me as a child, I just never thought about the possibilities...but she does. She is her own unique and limitless self, and I am proud of her for that God-given gift.
How God wants her to use this imagination and inquisitive mind, I hope to learn, but for now, my kitchen is her laboratory, my countertops her workstation and finally, her imagination is my playground....let's see what comes of it all......
Stay tuned....
Recently our Thinker, has been doing just as her nickname suggests, pondering the possibilities. She has been studying in her Science class about how fruit gives us the nutrients of water, as well as all the rest....carbohydrates from bread, protein from meat and nuts and so forth.
I am guessing the fruit will mold before we see any life come from the planted flower seeds in the soil, but I just love her innovation....her inquisitive mind. I love to see that she wants to try new things, see what happens and learn something new.
She inspires me. Just when I think I know all the answers, she comes to me, asks a question that I have no idea how to answer, and then we work together to find solutions. I hope she always feels she can come to me and ask her multitude of questions...even if I rarely have a good answer for her. I hope and pray she keeps that sense of curiosity about science, about the outcome of experiments. It never interested me as a child, I just never thought about the possibilities...but she does. She is her own unique and limitless self, and I am proud of her for that God-given gift.
How God wants her to use this imagination and inquisitive mind, I hope to learn, but for now, my kitchen is her laboratory, my countertops her workstation and finally, her imagination is my playground....let's see what comes of it all......
Stay tuned....