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Small Successes Thursday

While blogging is slow lately, I woke up this morning, eager to count the ways I had made a small difference in the lives of those I love the here they are.....

My Small Successes for this past week:

1.)  Drove 4 hours up North to visit aging Grandmother, spent whole weekend immersed in her wisdom and love.  It was a slice of heaven.

2.) Handed over school project to professional printer.  Hymns, Children's Exam of Conscious, Children's Stations of the Cross....and more......What a weight lifted off!  Let the editing begin!

3.)  Spent time with the kiddos in our kiddie pool.  Temps over 100 these days.  Water is the only cure.

In Progress:
4.)  Cleaning the house, enough said.

Small Successes are now hosted over at Chocolate for Your Brain.  Stop By!


Sherry said…
What a great week! It always feels so much better than we think to get in the pool. And what a gift and blessing to get to visit with family. Hope next week is even better and that we all get a break from the 100 temps! Sorry about Mr. Linky, it's fixed now and I added your blog to the link.
*kate said…
How wonderful to spend time with family. Keep cool! I wish we had a kiddie pool... :)
Maria said…
Sounds like a lovely visit w/ your grandmother!

I completely understand #4...I'm right there w/ you!