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This morning I was jolted into the belief once again that TIMING is everything.
Up at our usual time, we began the typical tasks of a Tuesday morning: making breakfast, packing lunches, fixing hair bows and quizzing my 9 year old for her Spanish quiz today. All the children were ready, coats on, hair done and then for whatever reason you might think, my 9 year old and I got into a discussion in our bathroom once I was done with her hair.

The topic wasn't as important as the time she needed with her mom. I sighed heavily thinking, 'Oh geez, this topic will make us late for school.' Ultimately I did give her the 5 minutes she was needing, and quickly summed up my guidance for her hoping that she'll retain whatever wisdom I happened to spurt out in those few moments. As I looked at my watch, I shouted, 'Time To Go! Everyone in the car!" Indeed we were running that precious 5 minutes late.
Everyone hopped in the car, and we were off, shivering as the van warmed up on this cold and snowy winter morning. As usual we began our decade of the rosary (a tradition we began years ago to help us focus the day and pray for their own intentions). Halfway through our decade, on our route, we noticed at an intersection an accident involving what looked like two or three cars. We quickly said a collective prayer for the men and women who were just getting out of the damaged cars. They must have just hit a few minutes prior to us getting there. Seeing several cars stopping to assist, we carried on our way to school.

Upon making our way home, two police cars screamed past us with sirens and lights flashing. I thought to myself, gosh I didn't think that accident we saw was really that bad. Indeed when we came to the culprit intersection, four police cars, a fire truck, an ambulance and perhaps one or two more emergency vehicles were surrounding the crash site. The entire intersection was blocked now, and we were forced to go another way home.
The heart skips a beat in moments when we realize our van could have easily been involved in this crash. Those five minutes I lamented to give my daughter this morning, were probably the same five minutes that helped us to miss this unfortunate accident. I drove home, with my five year old chatting as usual, but today it was background noise for my own prayer of gratitude. How thankful I truly felt this morning that my daughter asked for a few minutes of my time.

I wonder, as my melancholy nature always does....Perhaps in the final scenes that might flash before my daughter's eyes, if she will see this morning as something completely supernatural. Will she see her guardian angel whispering in her ear, asking to take more time this morning for something seemingly unimportant. Will she be glad that she listened to her angel? Will she feel relieved that her persistence paid off in such a grand way?
For me, it reminds me to always take time. You never know, if I had rushed her, told her we'll talk about it later....there might not have been a later. Timing can be everything. Don't wait for tomorrow. It might not be there.


Caring Mother said…
Oh wow - what a moving experience. Praise God that you are all safe and sound...and that your guardian angel was clearly also whispering...

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