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Small Successes Thursday

So, I typed up three different blog posts and haven't been back to insert a pic or hit that darn 'publish' button.  I think I'll stick to Small Successes, today:  it's short and sweet and perfect for the craziness that December always brings.  Count them up folks, our small wins do add up.

1.)  Found "Guest At The Inn" costume for Thinker and three "Shepherd" costumes for my kiddos Christmas production.  Filtering through Halloween goul to find a guest and shepherds was depressing to say the least....but done in time.  Woo - hoo!

2.)  After gaining a few for Thanksgiving treats, lost them again with a disciplined diet, no time for exercise as of late.  All set for Christmas candies and cookies!

3.) Suffered through a series of migraines, couldn't sleep, eat or think.  So what's the success?  I figured out the problem and am working to fix it.  A debilitated Mom  =  A debilitated Family.

In Progress:
4.)  Finding quiet time to prepare myself for the Coming Christ.   

Do you have some to share?  Small Successes are now hosted over at Chocolate for Your Brain!  Tell me you don't just love that title!  Now, go pat yourself on the back.


Maria said…
Glad you were able to figure out the problem & praying your migraines go away soon.
Sherry said…
Sounds like you had a great week!
Sherry said…
Augh! now I look like a super unsympathetic jerk. I was going to say, it sounds like you had a great week in that you found that costume and lost weight via discipline --I need to do that, and are seeking the quiet of Advent. But I had squirrely people near the keys and thus the return got hit too soon. Sorry about that.

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