Lately I’ve been consumed with The Big Purge. I’ve let things pile up in our basement, and a recent episode of Hoarders got my attention…..Our basement could have been featured on that show. Yikes. People are generous. Over the years, good neighbors have seen our big family and have wanted to donate to us. Suddenly we’ll look outside and our neighbor has tossed something over his fence into our yard as a gift to our family. We’ve received everything from small sized swimming pools to entertainment centers from our neighbors. Our fellow church goers too, have given unexpected trucks, dolls and cradles for the kids. Factor in a few years of birthdays, Christmases, Easters and all the rest and it becomes out of control. If I am not diligent, these things pile up as they end up becoming more than what our five children can possibly play with in the course of a day. We are grateful for these generous donations to our cause. We really are. But too much is too much. Ever feeling the ne...