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Frugalness and Faith in My Fellow Man

Having taken a sewing class at my favorite store, Jo Ann's, I have gotten up enough courage to start a few sewing projects here or there. (I'll post on those another day!) What I have done, though, is find great deals on fabric from all our trips to Jo Ann's, finding summer crafts for the kids, and always seeing what cute fabric is on sale. For a while there, I had these grey Jo Ann bags, scattered throughout the house, some in the laundry room, my bedroom, even on top of my sewing machine.

I'm an organizer. When these things start to pile up, I FEEL unorganized, and I simply can't function until these things are put in their proper place. It's a little OCD, I admit it. I looked online for something that might work as an organizational structure for fabrics, crafts etc....and most of what I really liked were so expensive, that I just gave up hope. I went to the Container store online, boy I love that one!, and never really found something that would work.

I wanted something that eventually could be used for something else....if one day, I actually have a permanent place for my sewing machine instead of our dining room!

I saw online, a nine cubby storage unit, which I thought would be perfect. I could then get those linen lined baskets and hide all my treasures of fabric inside, and no one would notice that it's full of my project ideas! Perfect!

The price wasn't perfect. I would have to spend at least $100, some as high as $150, not including those cute baskets. Money is tight. Not as tight as it could be, we still have food on the table, and when I need something for the kids, I can get it. But we are being smarter these days.....not just giving in to temptations or unnecessary indulgences. We are still paying off a few debts, and being smarter these many months have allowed us to make bigger payments to hopefully, be finally free of these looming debts.

I just couldn't justify a purchase like this, simply to hold my fabrics and crafts. It didn't make sense. So, I gave up the search......until..........Garage Sale season.

Okay, I admit, I once was an avid Garage Sale enthusiast. I have found some great deals on some amazing items at garage sales, and have saved many pennies in past years. This year, I haven't been out as much, actually not at all. Things have been busy, and I didn't have specific things to look for really......and who in the world would put out a Nine Cubby Storage Unit, just like I was looking for?

Well one of our neighbors did just that! A few streets down, a gentlemen in our own sub-division had a garage sale. I was on my way to get groceries one day, with three little ones in the van, and slammed on my breaks as I saw my dream Cubby Unit on the curb, but with no price tag.

So, I looked in my rear view mirror at those little faces looking back at me, as I asked, "Kids, wanna go to this sale with me?"

All behind me screamed a resounding "Yes!" and we were there examining this Cubby Unit. I thought for sure he'd ask for at least fifty, as it was in excellent condition, dark wood, and assembled beautifully. I counted my dollars, I was at $13.00 and some change....surely not enough. I stood and waited for his attention, then asked, "How much for this piece?"

He looked at the unit, then he looked back at me, then to my three little ones at my feet. He said, "How about 10 dollars?"

My heart skipped a beat. Quickly, I said, "I'll take it for 10", as I saw a few others looking at my prized find. Entertainer and Serious saw a little rocking horse perfect for Babe, and wanted to pick it up for him as well. I asked the gentleman, how much for the rocker, and he said, "How 'bout three?"

I pulled out my $13.00, handed it over and said "Thank you so much", about five times.

I stood there, amazed at this find, when it occurred to me, and I said aloud, "Now, how in the world will I get this home?"

The gentleman, kindly enough, asked where I lived and once realizing I was just down the street, he said he'd put it into his pickup and bring it by that same afternoon. We made the arrangement, that if I wasn't home, he'd unload it just by the garage for me.

How do you like that? Not only a great deal, but he delivers as well. You don't always find that at a garage sale! I gave him my address, took the rocking horse with us, and on we went to get groceries. Then it occurred to me, "Did I just give money for something at a garage sale, and actually, TRUST, that he'd keep his word?" I muttered to myself, "Stupid woman, stupid woman. He'll sell it for $30 to someone else who will haul it away and he'll have made $40 on that piece, taking advantage of a mom with little ones, who was just foolish enough to trust in a fellow man's good will!"

I said a little prayer, "God, I am trusting in one of your souls. Help him deliver his promise and restore my faith in man." Then I let the matter go. I picked up kids at school in the afternoon, and completely forgot about my scheduled delivery.

HH got home, and that evening he asked me if that cubby unit ever got delivered. I said, "Oh, geez I forgot, perhaps it's by the garage." I ran outside. Nothing. My heart sank.

I looked up at the sky, told God, "I knew it. I just knew it. That's the last time I trust in the good will of man!"

HH, my Hero Husband, proved his nickname, and asked to be my hero. He said he'd go by that house that had the sale and see if he still had the unit. I told him, there's no way, he sold it or put it out to the trash, for sure!

He took out all the car seats, leveled the seats for storage space, and off he went. I sat on the front porch, as the kids finished their dinner inside....and again, said a little prayer, "God, let him keep his word. Let him be honorable. I want to believe in the honor of man. I don't want to always expect the worst of people. I want to believe in the good that you put there. Show me the honor of man!"

Time ticked slowly, and when HH turned into the drive, I couldn't tell if the unit was inside or not, but his face said it all. He shook his head 'no', made a sad face through the drivers side window at me, and my heart sank, again. Not for the lost storage unit.....but for my lost faith. There really isn't honor anymore in this world,..........or so I thought.

As usual, HH was teasing. He got out of the van, played up the charade, but eventually, opened the back trunk to show me that INDEED, MAN HAD HONOR. There sat my perfect Nine Cubby Storage Unit in all it's glory. I gushed to my HH, that truly he is my HERO!!!!

Upon getting to the gentleman's home, my HH reminded him of the delivery arrangement, and with his sincere apology, he explained. He lost my address, and with the downpour of rain that came that afternoon, that he simply hoped I'd return to pick it up. But he saved it for me. HE SAVED IT FOR ME. HE KEPT HIS WORD.

Needless to say, I was elated. HH brought it into the house, we wiped it down, and it just sat shining in my dining room, awaiting my fabric treasures. It sits there, now, still shining, filling that need for organization as I have wanted for months and months. More importantly, it sits there, now, shining, but representing a different need of mine...

I can look at that unit, and yes, look toward a future of sewing success, but a also to a future of belief in the goodness of man. Thank you God. Thank you for teaching me a very valuable lesson. I won't forget it.


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