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New Things

There has been quite a bit of fun things happening lately, in our home, right along with the strange and confusing!  However, I do choose to believe that once things start to line up, and go well, that the devil sees this happiness and works to destroy it.  Here's a quick run down, it's been a busy time, and I do apologize that my writing has slowed....but these things are too cool!!

Blog Business
I hope you are enjoying the snow background disappearing and a Spring feel to my blog.  It seems the weather is cooperating with my sense of Spring.   I've made a few other changes as well, and I hope to be back soon with some more family life fun.

Home Life
While things are slowing in the apostolic front, our home life is just rearing up.  After years of never owning a formal dining room table or even coffee, end, or sofa tables, we have filled two pretty empty rooms of our house.  Now, yes, I see this as materially moving forward, as we have always relied on the generosity of garage sales or family members.  I will say though, there is something to save up, count those pennies, and actually purchasing something by writing a check, instead of credit.  WOW.  That WAS cool.  Love our newest attempts to avoid credit debit and purchase out right.

With this latest advance, came some strange occurrences, both my fault, however, eerie the timing of these things.  Not only did our toilet break, but our garage door opener.  Both now, we have replaced, but am thinking I bring a certain clumsiness to all that I do. 

Work Life
Yes, I typed work life.  This Stay At Home Mom is at Work.  Not in the traditional sense, but in the ways I have always described, tending to the children, the home and yes, to myself, as to better my own vocation.  A new kind of Work is at hand, as of late, one that makes me not only nervous and anxious, but energized at the thought of being able to assist my Hero Husband in paying the bills.  I knew this day would come and I feared what it might do to my well-oiled machine of routine and availability for my children.  I've talked at great lengths with HH in order to see what kind of things I can do at home, rather than a out of the home job, so that I can still be here for my children, check the homework, make the meals, teach them and love them as I always have.

I have begun to sell my photo prints via this site:
Anyone can take one of my images and create notecards or prints as well as have them framed as you like.  Some of my prints do have a little photoshop magic, as this site is more of an artist's place, it seems, so that the uniqueness of the art is clearly my own, without my watermark, of course.  I only have a few shots up there, but I will continue to put them up, as often as I can, in order to have a range of shots to choose from.

You can also view and purchase from my Facebook Page!

I guess I never thought of myself as an artist, but I do have a creative mind, as this blog serves my artist outlets well.  I beg for prayers that this new endeavour is not only successful, monetarily, but that it touches someone's heart, that they recognize some beauty in some of God's wonderous gifts.


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