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Person vs Non-Person?

Generally speaking I don't discuss politics here.  I don't blast our President regularly here, I don't feel the need to spend hours upon hours lamenting his mistakes, his failures.  I guess, somewhere down deep, when we learned he was elected, I knew it would get bad.  I expected the worst.

HH and I knew these past four years would be dark times.  Ever since the night this President took office, as a family, before each and every meal, we pray an Our Father for President Barack Obama.  In four years - with three meals a day, an Our Father at each meal, we will have collectively said four thousand, three hundred and eighty prayers for this man.  One day a few years back, I remember one of the children asking me why we pray for the President when we've never taken up this tradition in the past.  My answer then, was as it is now, "Honey, we pray God guides his decisions, and that he makes good ones for our country."

Do I feel lost that all our thousands of prayers are seemingly going unanswered?  No.  I don't.  I am not a person who lives in despair for long, I have made the decision each and every day for the security I bring to my children, to be unafraid. Afterall, things could be worse, and perhaps our 4000+ prayers have kept him from things I can't even fathom.

My imagination couldn't dream up this above screen shot of a New Patient Template they plan to use with Obamacare.  Are you a Person or a Non-Person.  What in the world is this?

Reading into the fine print, it gets even more disturbing, as children under two and elderly would be classified as Non-Person.  Is this shocking to you?  It should be.  This is the President who as Senator voted against the "Born Alive Act"......Should an abortion go wrong, and the baby survives, he actually voted that this child should be left to die and not have the same rights as a newborn baby, who was wanted. 

It turns my stomach.  I sit here typing, with nausea.

This above screen shot is very timely.  The Supreme Court of our land in these next couple of days are discerning the constitutionality of Obamacare. 

What can you do?  Share this information. Tell people you know.  Have a website?  On Facebook?  Twitter?  Get the word out, not enough people know what is happening right now.  And we can't be sleeping right now.

What can you do? Pray. God moves with purpose and with a plan. We need not be afraid when the most powerful is on our side. Offer prayer, offer fasting.

With Obamacare right now in the headlights, another issue is gaining steam.  The Constitution is not being upheld, and our religious rights to practice our Faith is under attack.  It's exactly what our Founding Fathers fought and died for.....this Constitutional right to practice our Faith.  Feminists want to make this about contraception and how it's some kind of right that women should not be denied in their health coverage.  Don't be confused, this is a direct attack on people of Faith, to force them to deny their conscious and force business owners to abandon their faith in order to live in our country.

Let us live as our Great Pope John Paul II taught us, "Be Not Afraid".  Let us work in these dark times, in the hopes and belief of a real Easter morning, when the joy of the resurrection reassures us, God can even conquer death.  Who is our President to God?  Can you imagine God asking the question such as this screen shot above?...Mr. Barack Obama, are you a person or a non-person?

We will all be judged.  For what we did.  For what we didn't do.  For what we said, for what we didn't say.  Let this be a time for you, where God will point to this time in your life, with these words, "Well done, good and faithful servant; you have been faithful over a little, I will set you over much; enter into the joy of your master." Matthew 25:23


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