Yikes. I've caved. I now have a facebook account. What have I done?
This phenomenon is beyond me. I've played around most of my morning on Facebook, and still can't see what's so exciting. I guess I need a bit of education to get it. Thanks HH, in advance!
So after all my lamenting of never joining a social networking site, I have joined one, and one might ask, what on earth led me to finally succumb. Well, being that my children rely on their parents for knowledge of the current world so that we might educate them....I felt it appropriate to have some experience with the hullabaloo of Facebook.
I know many good Catholic families fear this tech age, and want only seclusion for their families and children....and I am sympathetic to this fear. It's in all of us. But if we are to truly send our children into the world ill-equipped to handle it, what are we doing as their parents?
With a true education of these sites, the advantages and disadvantages, the pros and cons, the risks and all, I can better teach my children, that with all things, use caution, use common sense, and be aware of who gains access to your information. Admittedly, I don't know the answers to these questions....yet. And that's what I intend to figure out.... My oldest is nine, going on 16 on some days, and I certainly don't want to do her a disservice by completely keeping out the world, nor a disservice, by letting her reign free with no information in her arsenal to protect herself.
It's tough to be parents.....
So many parents even now, believe it or not, since they don't understand the world, simply decide to trust it to educate their children. Not me, not a sentinel. I'll take a class if need be, sit for hours to understand my HH's tech lingo, or read a manual that might take days.
What wouldn't a mother do in order to prepare her children for the certain future they will face. God help us mothers, to be up for the challenge.