HH and I just watched "Extraordinary Measures" last night, lead actors being Harrison Ford, Brendan Fraser and Keri Russell. Basically Brendan Fraser plays a father whose children have a fatal disease in which they probably won't live past their ninth birthday.
I recommend it. It's truly amazing what a father will do to save his children. After we shut off the T.V., HH and I talked about how parents muster the strength to do all they must and still handle the truth of their children's impending future, or lack there of. We admitted to each other, we just weren't sure how we'd handle it. Silently, I said a prayer, asking for the grace to never find out.
Our children have been blessed with amazingly good health. Many others find themselves struggling with illness, disease or accidents. If one day, we happen to find ourselves in a situation where it requires more than what we've got, then for certain, it will re-enforce that belief, that God has a plan. He doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called.