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Duking It Out

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Superbowl 45 is tonight!  And after some great football food, (meaty nachos with guacamole and a Sol!) we clicked the DVR to start the game.   Our oldest two stayed up just for a little while to see them do a little battle, however, I was particularly struck, and still am, actually, at the fight in these men.  Sometimes, when we have watched football together, I was disappointed to see one team simply not wanting it bad enough, or so it seemed by their lack of aggression, their lack of energy and so forth. 

Tonight, both teams are eager, willing and going for it.  Now our team didn't make the Superbowl, we came close, but alas, the Chicago Bears didn't pull it off.  While, any true Bears fan would never root for the Pack, I can appreciate the fight in them.  Though, tonight, I root all the way for the Steelers. 

Ya, know, I don't want to make this too much of a stretch, however, it DID remind me of something.....perhaps my Sol has me digging deeper than ordinarily. 

I appreciate the fight in someone....the gusto, the spirit, the passion, the ability to rise to the occasion for what they believe, and fight for it.  I admire that.  And often, in a marriage, two passionate people make for quite a passionate duel.  HH and I have had our fair share of these kind of 'kick em down, drag em out' kinds of fights, and all these years, (13 years), I've never worried if any of these kinds of passionate disagreements meant the end of us.  I've never even thought that it would make a long and lasting impact on our relationship.

One thing that has always brought me a kind of peace during and after any of these kind of tough fights, is that PEOPLE WOULDN'T FIGHT IF THEY DIDN'T CARE.  It's true, you know.  No one would fight with such passion, such emotion, grit and persistence without something in them, that compels them to try, it pushes them to seek answers. 

I'd would only worry, when the passion is gone.  I'd worry when during a disagreement, there is too much silence, too much of a calm demeanor.  I'd really worry, if one day HH would simply walk away, without so much as a word of disagreement.  If he didn't care to even battle it out, it would mean there wasn't much hope.

Alas, we are back to football.  Both these teams will battle it out, and leave it all out on the field.  They will not only give up their own physical bodies....they give all their emotions, their heart, all their hard work...they leave it all out there.  Why?  Because they care.    They aren't indifferent.  They see it as WORTH IT.

I guess I like that.  So much in today's world is indifferent.  People lack passion and will power.

Fight for your marriage.  Give it passion, give it emotion, give it all you've got.  It's worth it. 


Unknown said…
So true, great thoughts on the Superbowl, and marriage.

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