For all the Dads who have 'Saved the Day'
rescuing lost toys from underground plumbing,
coming home with replacement flowers for broken orchids,
indulging a six year old with board games,
making breakfasts on weekend days,
barbecuing after a long day's work,
persisting on a basement playroom,
putting up pools in 90 degree heat,
shoveling mulch on two days notice,
taking out the trash and bringing in the milk,
planting blueberry bushes,
pancake Saturdays and Star Wars evenings,
quoting interesting factoids and building dioramas,
a smile, a hug or a 'good job',
proudly wearing a homemade tie, and
for the many other ways you are our Hero,
Thank you.
Thank you for being the Dad.
For giving when it's inconvenient,
Sacrificing when no one is looking,
For the protection, the security, the love
that you bring to every situation.
Happy Father's Day!