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Spiritual Warfare

For two nights now, my Knight has been having nightmares.  The poor boy tells me in detail of good versus evil forces battling it out in his dreams:  the evil ones tempting him with Legos, and the good overpowering it all until the evil disappears from sight.  It even included a vision of the devil, which scared my little boy more than he wanted to let on.

Last night, I casually mention to HH, "Take a minute to bless the boy and his room with holy water will you?"

This morning he told me again, of another scary dream, that he was being tortured and I was there, but instead of helping him, I simply watched it all happen.  This one brought the boy to tears, and as we hugged this morning in his room, I reassured him, "Oh, Buddy, I'd save you, don't you know that...."

In his tears, he said he knew, but that it was a very bad dream and he didn't like it.

I heard enough.

Then I found my husband getting ready for work.   I asked HH if he ever got the blessing done, and when he said "No", my request became more like a demand.  "For heaven's sake, he's crying in there this morning, Get.  It.  Done."

HH nodded and I assure you, it will happen tonight in order to spare this boy any further harassment.

Does that sound strange to you?  Do you believe there is a spiritual warfare going on, unseen most times and usually laughed off by many? 

I tell you, I can't even count how many times, we have blessed the house, our children or their bedrooms, when strange things are happening.  Whether it is a nightmare, or kids telling me strange shadow shapes are on the ceiling at night, or they've even told me once, they heard dogs barking from their closet.  (And we don't own any pets).

I couldn't even make this stuff up if I wanted to.  I firmly believe in the authority that God gives the Head of the House.  As wife and mother, I too, have taken holy water to different areas of the house, when HH was absent.  However, I will tell you, it doesn't quite work as effectively as when my husband, the Head of our House does the blessing with it.  I can't explain why.  Perhaps his faith is stronger than mine.  Perhaps God works more effectively through the Head.  I don't know.

But I will tell you this.  For certain, every time HH has used the holy water, the strange occurrences ceased, and peace was restored the very next day.  Does this sound crazy?  Perhaps it does.  But I know what works, and I believe what I see working.

Coincidentally, if you believe in coincidences or that it was just apart of God's plan, I just finished reading the book, "The Rite" by Matt Baglio.  And I highly recommend it.  The recent movie with Anthony Hopkins called, "The Rite" is loosely based on this book by Baglio.  And yes, I've seen the movie too.

The book, in my opinion is better than the movie.  It goes into more explanation of the Church's teaching on exorcisms as well as follows a priest while learning how to be an exorcist.  Hollywood as it is, often will take certain liberties in movie-making, and in this case, deviates from the book. 

We also, recently saw the movie, "Insidious", while clearly not discussing spiritual warfare in the sense of angels and demons, you could make the argument that what was happening in that house was a definite battle involving demonic forces.

It's hard to say why, right now, all these seemingly isolated recent events have converged at the same time.  I do think it's important to be aware, but not obsessed with it.  It's a reality of living in this world.  It's something to acknowledge and understand our part in it.  What keeps us safe? 

Well, what keeps us safe, is what has always kept us safe:  Living a life of morality, participation in prayer, the Mass, and the Sacraments and having a real relationship with God.  It's called living your Faith.  It's actively participating in living the elements of a holy life.  Yes, we might fail from time to time, however Reconciliation is a very powerful Sacrament, (aren't they all?), but the ability to restore our relationship with God is building our defenses.   Our trust and faith that God is merciful, is like that impenetrable force that can keep evil at bay.

For now, for us: we aren't afraid.  God is stronger, always has been, always will be.  I put my trust in Him, who has never failed us, never allowed for more than a few days harassment, who works through the many Priests called, and the many Heads of the House in order to keep fighting that good fight.

God bless them all!

Saint Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle.

Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;

and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -

by the Divine Power of God -

cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,

who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.



I think the blessing is a wise idea indeed. I have never done this but it's good to remember to, when you feel like you're under attack. Thanks for bringing up this topic! I just prayed the St. Michael prayer for your family.

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