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She Pondered These Things

If you will recall.....this pass few weeks has involved some difficult decision making, and with those exact decisions, has brought with it new responsibilities. 

And blogging suffers. 

But life does go on.  Children still ask those priceless and intuitive questions to which I squint and try and answer as best I can.  Interesting conversations that have taught me a lesson or two have happened, and unfortunately, I can't seem to find time to type them out, think them through and digest. 

And while that bothers my soul, as I like the time to absorb, I see a wisdom here and am gaining an appreciation for the privacy and intimacy that my new responsibilities are teaching me.

I look back on these past few years of recalling the joyous, frustrating and sometimes hilarious situations I find myself in, and I find my family, I find my home, I find myself in a lot of ways.  I learn from each situation, using only what God has given me, in order to help move us along as a family unit.  I see the innocence and treasure that each one of my children are to me, and if I don't make a mental note, if I don't write it all down in some fashion, will I forget it?

For sure, in the recesses of my mind, therein lies all those items that are hidden, but never forgotten in a mother's heart.  Our Lady, too, had hidden pockets where she stored these gems of family life, and not all is shared, not all is written out for all eternity.  There is a prudence and right judgement involved in these types of things.  Not all is advertisement.  Not all is up for grabs.  Not everything is public. 

I appreciate that.  I like that. Some of these moments that aren't being typed out united us in an intimate way.  No one else knows these treasures.  No one else will benefit.  This is just for us.  For one of my children.  For my spouse.  And that intimacy that no one else knows, bonds us, if for no other reason than we are connected in a way that no one can see or feel or read about.  It's like that inside joke between two people, who in a public place, will share a glance, a smile and the air around these two individuals change....literally change. 

There is a connection there.  There is an understanding, and an appreciation of another.  And in these private moments, I see God's wisdom.  We are meant to connect with others.  We are meant to be together and not divided, we are meant to be united, in a seamless wave of his creation. 

The question arises, how much to share and how much to keep private?

It's a constant effort on the part of any personal blogger, to decipher what is open and what is closed.  I've often seen bloggers take a blogging 'break' and return after a month or so, and delve deeper into their own personal commitments of their family life.  And I get that.  For probably the first time, I truly get that.

I am currently debating such a 'break', as I will be better equipped to handle the upcoming duties I have committed myself to, and still be as available as I need to be for my five children.  I ask for your prayers, dear reader of my simple, little blog, that I might continue to shed light on the gift of Motherhood in all facets of my life, whether on this blog, or elsewhere. 

I am the S.tay A.t H.ome at Work no matter where I am, no matter who I talk with, no matter how much time is spent typing or moving out in the world.  I pray to bring the joys of Motherhood, the joys of co-operating with God's plan of life to anyone I should meet.  Pray for me and for all mothers who give of themselves in selflessness dedication.

Lord, you gave us mothers, the gift of life.  We felt each child move and live inside us and as we continue to sacrifice ourselves for their benefit, Lord, bless us.  Bless us mothers.  Help us to see your Mother as our prime and perfect example of prudence and fortitude.  Help us emulate her example of knowing deeply the will of God, and acting accordingly to fulfill it.  Help us all to ponder quietly, some of your Wisdom, Lord, and we beg you, please, infiltrate with your light, our deepest and darkest corners.


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