For weeks, I've built up this day. We've talked about the importance of this day in many different ways, and I suppose I expected some grand display of excitement from the boy, which just wasn't in his personality to give.
And then today came. We got all ready this morning, and off to church we went. He smiled off and on and I watched him soak it all in. After the homily, he whispered in my ear, "Mom, I feel the butterflies."
Just before we stood to walk together up into the communion line, he turned to me and said with a huge smile, "It's almost time!" His excitement was truly evident at that moment.
All I could muster, through my welling up eyes, was, "I am so proud of you."
Perhaps we'll forget about the homily, the story of our Pastor and his grandmother, and the "I love you more" conversations between them. Perhaps we'll forget the songs that were sung this day, or the food that we ate at the party afterwards.
I hope and pray to receive Jesus like that.....with a pure innocence, joy, serenity and excitement....all at the same time. My children teach me so much. As much as I think, I am the Mom, I teach them, I mold them, I form them.....they teach me far greater lessons all the time.
I thank God for these children, who can remind me of what matters most.....not if the suit is perfect, but what disposition is my soul in to receive our Lord. What a blessed day!